
You depend on 坦帕电 to energize your life.


We’ve been a part of the Tampa Bay community for more than 120 years. Much has changed in that time, but our commitment to value has not. Our innovations and sound business practices have kept our rates among the lowest in Florida and below the national average.

Here’s how we’re opening doors to create more value for you:

  • 提供更多的 节能项目 比佛罗里达州其他任何投资者拥有的公用事业公司都要多
  • Modernizing and improving our electrical systems to increase 可靠性
  • 努力创造一个未来,帮助 community 还有十大国际老虎机平台都爱的生物
  • Researching solar technologies and investing in solar plants to create fuel savings and reduce carbon emissions
  • 提高十大国际老虎机平台的 technology 让你的生活更轻松


If you want to save energy and money, we’re here for you (in more than 30 ways)!

Our team of energy experts are ready to help you identify ways to save energy and money. 十大国际老虎机平台很自豪地提供超过30种 节能项目 -比州内任何其他公用事业都多.

From rebates to smart thermostats to whole-home solutions, we encourage you to explore the many free ways we offer to help you save money.

你也可以浏览十大国际老虎机平台blog posts for timely tips on energy savings in hot weather, cold weather and any weather.

Save energy so you can save your money for things that mean the most to you!



We don’t want you to think about your electricity – that’s our job.

But we do want you to know that “behind the scenes” we’re busy modernizing our equipment and systems for 更好的可靠性 - to keep your power flowing in blue skies and gray. That’s especially important in Florida, a hot spot for severe weather.

Our goal is to have fewer flickers, fewer outages and faster restoration when an outage does occur. 以下是十大国际老虎机平台实现这一目标的方法:

We’re moving power lines underground where it makes sense to do so. And strengthening above-ground power lines by installing stronger, more storm-resistant poles and improved technology.

We’ve increased our inspections of overhead lines and trimming the trees that are near them, 哪种方法可以减少与树接触相关的中断. We’re also making our substations more resilient by raising some equipment and/or building floodwalls.

十大国际老虎机平台最近对十大国际老虎机平台Big Bend power plant, converting Unit 1 to state-of-the-art combined-cycle technology. The upgrade helps us generate affordable and reliable power with less water, less wastewater and fewer air emissions than ever. The project will save customers more than $700 million over the life of the unit. It also supports our efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and gets us closer to our Net Zero vision. Since 2000, we've already reduced emissions by 53 percent and we continue to make progress.




We're proud to be an integral part of this community.

We know "power" isn't just about lights and air-conditioning - there's also the power to create change, the power to help and the power to do what's right.


  • We're passionate about supporting the next generation of leaders. That's why we invest in our youth by partnering with local schools to provide female engineering mentorships, clean energy education and paths from school to jobs.
  • 十大国际老虎机平台很自豪地提供十大国际老虎机平台的 佛罗里达的保护 & 技术中心 partners with an amenity-rich campus for research and education, which the public can visit. 十大国际老虎机平台还提供数英里的自然小径 海牛观赏中心 and Clean Energy Center for the enjoyment of our customers and other visitors.
  • 在TECO员工的帮助下, partners and customers like you - plus matching TECO donations - in 2022 our Share 项目捐赠了超过1美元.4 million to help more than 3,300 neighbors in need pay their utility bills.

Positive energy makes our communities vibrant and whole!




十大国际老虎机平台的太阳能发电厂现在生产1,000兆瓦的太阳能发电, 或者足够为160多人提供动力,000 homes.

By the end of 2023, we’ll have 1,255 MW, or enough solar energy to power 200,000 homes. At that time about 14 percent of our energy will be generated from the sun – the highest percentage of solar generation of any utility in the state.

For customers like you, that means cleaner air – with a 1.8 million ton reduction in carbon emissions – and lower bills than if all power generation came from power plants.

更多的太阳能如何等于更低的账单? Visit our 太阳能储蓄 来看看! We’re also 试验 不同形式的太阳能, from floating solar panels to combining solar power with farming, 这种做法被称为农业发电




We’re upgrading things you see and some you don’t.

We’re working to simplify your life by making it easier to do business with us.

We’ve updated our website and added an online virtual assistant, 增加了一个新的电话系统,可以让你 告诉十大国际老虎机平台你想要什么,对十大国际老虎机平台的 在线停机图 并且增加了设置的能力 有用的警报.

We've completed a multi-year project to install “smart meters,” which offer customers 先进的通信和控制能力. Features include improved outage detection and restoration, 远程启动, stop or transfer of electric service and increased privacy on your property, 举几个例子.

We're also upgrading all streetlights and area lights with 智能发光二极管(LED)技术, which use less energy and are better for the environment. The lights notify us automatically when they are out, allowing for a much quicker repair.

Smart customers plus smart energy equals a powerful future!


These are some of the ways we’re opening doors to more value for you. 十大国际老虎机平台希望得到您的反馈. If you have comments or suggestions please click on the Feedback button on the right-hand side of this page.

